Monday, October 3, 2011

Sexy in Every Size

Fall has officially arrived and I love it!  Football (college & NFL, thank you), foliage and fashion - does it get any better than this?!?!  Yes, I said fashion!  Gentleman, you are welcome to check out now and carry on with ESPN updates for your Fantasy team....unless, of course fashion is your "thing."  Throughout the month of September a multitude of magazines and even Twitter feeds have called attention to the latest designer creations displayed during the numerous Fashion Week shows here in the US and abroad.  Some designs were stunning and elegant, while others were a bit more...hmmmm....we'll say, artistic (hats off to you Richie Rich, but next time you might give Coco a little bit more fabric tape!)  The patterns were bold and the colors were beautiful earthy hues with splashes of jewel tones mixed in.  I also saw fabric combinations, like satin and leather, that looked amazing!  While I wasn't able to actually attend any of these glorious shows, just looking at all the pictures made me feel like I was in the front row!

The one thing I enjoyed the most about seeing all these hot designs, is that no matter what size woman the clothing was being made for, the designers were really focused on bringing sexy back.  I love this!  A voluptuous woman, like myself, has every right to feel just as attractive, vivacious and sexy as a smaller and/or more fit woman.  If you think otherwise, that's fine with me, so long as you understand that when I tell you to "Suck it!" (followed by my devilish grin) it's truly meant with utmost respect.  I know, I know - our nation has a serious obesity problem that even effects our children, but trust me, condemning a large population to the hideous realm of the Moo-Moo is not the answer.  Those hideously colored circus tents are unattractive and demotivating.  They never should have been made!  Enough of that - moving on... 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so thick or thin, well-endowed or itty-bitty, every woman's unique features should be celebrated in flattering apparel.  Ladies, it's time to proudly display our curves or our petite waists; remind the world how powerful we are, not because someone tells us we look good, but because we feel good in our clothes and our own skin!  The fashion industry is finally waking up and realizing that although we are shaped differently, we are all stunningly beautiful creatures in every shape and skin tone imaginable.  Take the challenge with me and let's dare to be sexy in every size!

Be nice, be well & be the best you can be!

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